Introductory Webinar
A webinar introducing the NEG/ECP and the Regional Climate Change Initiative was offered in March. The presentation and webinar provided a high-level overview of the process and options under consideration, and describe the opportunities to provide input that will be considered in the development process.
- A recording of the webinar is available here: [Stakeholder Webinar Recording]
- The presentation is available for download here: [Stakeholder Presentation]
Reference Documents
Potential actions for the eleven jurisdictions of the NEG/ECP region to consider for inclusion in a 2017 Regional Climate Action Plan. The items included in the documents below were identified during 2016 by staff from the NEG/ECP region and will be vetted through a more inclusive, collaborative process in the first half of 2017.
Regional GHG Emissions Reduction Options Compendium: Identifies the regionally significant emissions reduction options for sectors that were identified in 2016.
Topic-Specific Materials
- Cross-Cutting: Options that affect multiple sectors
- Government Leadership by Example: Options that reduce GHG emissions from government facilities, fleets and operations
- Energy Supply and Transmission: Options that deal with centralized electricity generation, the transmission of electricity and natural gas, and delivered heating fuels
- End-Use and Distributed Energy: Options that increase energy efficiency and conservation and the deployment of distributed energy resources in buildings and industry (thermal and electric)
- Transportation: Options that address transportation choices and accessibility, vehicle technology and fuels
- Natural Resources: Options that enhance the amount of carbon being captured and stored in agricultural and forested lands and other natural systems, and that encourage sustainable materials management