NEG/ECP Regional Climate Change Initiative


Staff from the eleven states and provinces within the New England Governor’s and Eastern Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP) developed the 2017 Update of the Regional Climate Change Action Plan submitted to the NEG/ECP at the 41st conference in 2017. The Regional Climate Change Action Plan is a follow up to the regional’s 2001 Regional Climate Change Action Plan and will fulfill the requirements of Resolution 39-1, which set a 2030 regional greenhouse gas reduction maker range of 35-45 percent below 1990 levels.  As part of this effort, the New England states received comments on the proposed regional actions. Released four years before the Kyoto Protocol, the 2001 Regional Climate Change Action Plan was the world’s first multi-government greenhouse gas reduction effort implemented at the federated level (see “Background” narrative below for more detail).

To enable a broad range of stakeholder input — and hence expand the breadth of experience and expertise feeding into the final regional climate plan — the New England states have coordinated with CONEG to make the following resources available, including an introductory webinar, a suggestion “dropbox,” and reference documents describing the regional GHG reduction measures under consideration.

Stakeholder Outreach

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